PG Goes Green for the Holidays

PG Goes Green for the Holidays
The holiday season is a favorite of many, a time for giving and receiving. However, this time of year also comes with an abundance of waste. In the United States, it is estimated that Americans produce about 25% more waste between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day—that’s about one million extra tons of garbage each week.
To put things into perspective, it is estimated that gift wrapping and shopping bags amount to a whopping 4 million tons of Christmas-related trash, not counting the cards, ribbons, and product packaging.
As part of PG Exhibit’s Green Initiative and as an effort to decrease the waste associated with gift-giving, PG chose to donate $2600.00 to the National Forest Foundation to accompany our first annual holiday ornament. The ornament, which was designed and manufactured in-house using our Freedom CNC router features a tree design and the year 2019 to commemorate our commitment to improving the environment for future generations.
National Forest Foundation
The National Forests are 193 million acres managed by the U.S. Forest Service but owned by the American public. The National Forest Foundation was created with a simple mission: bring people together to restore and enhance our National Forests and Grasslands. The importance of our National Forests extends far beyond a place to escape from city life; they provide clean air, clean water, and a vital habitat for wildlife. The National Forest Foundation’s goal is to plant 50 million trees; every dollar donated plants one tree.
In this season of giving, we challenge you to contribute to a cause and to be mindful of your impact on our environment. To learn more about the National Forest Foundation and how you can help, click on the link below.